Urban, the on-demand wellness platform, adds physiotherapy to its roster of on-demand services

Urban, the London-headquartered company that lets you book a growing range of “wellness” services on demand — spanning massage, osteopathy, to various beauty treatments — is adding physiotherapy to its…

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Elon Musk: Humanity Is a Kind of ‘Biological Boot Loader’ for AI

On Wednesday, Tesla CEO Elon Musk and Alibaba cofounder Jack Ma took the stage at the World AI Conference in Shanghai to debate artificial intelligence and its implications for humanity. As expected, Ma took a far more optimistic stance than Musk. Ma encouraged people to have faith in humanity, our creativity, and the future. “I…

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These Hallucinatory Landscape Photographs Will Blow Your Mind

As a Seattle-based 3D animation artist, Cody Cobb spends most of his working life behind a computer. Around a decade ago, feeling the need for an escape valve, he started going on solo camping trips around the Pacific Northwest on the weekends. As he ventured farther and farther afield, those weekend trips turned into week-long…

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A Tesla Security Bug, Levandowski Indicted, and More Car News

It is not so often that our focus on transportation technology forces us to pay attention to, say, a federal courthouse in San Jose, where a man wearing a dark suit and no tie waits to be arraigned for charges that could land him in prison for many years. But that is exactly what happened…

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Trump’s Hurricane Plan Tops This Week’s Internet News Roundup

Greetings, and welcome to another edition of While You Were Offline, the column that dares to ask, "If it happened on the internet and I missed it, did it ever really happen at all?" This past week has been a busy one. For starters, there are apocalyptic fires in the Amazon and protests in Hong…

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Scientists Avoid Bias When They Know They’re Being Tested

When it comes to gender, science suffers from what has been called a "leaky pipeline." In some fields, like biology, women make up the majority of the individuals entering graduate school in the field. But at each successive career stage—post-doctoral fellowships, junior faculty, tenured faculty—the percentage of women drops. The situation is even worse in…

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