5 Best Gaming Laptops For Every Kind of Player (2019)

Choosing a gaming laptop is a lot like putting together a well-balanced adventuring party. You need to look at what you're going to use it for, what kinds of quests you'll tackle, and try and match their capabilities to your needs—without emptying your coin purse. To that end, weary traveler, we took it upon ourselves…

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How to Save Yourself From Notification Overload

Having a phone that never leaves our side has transformed the way we stay in touch: If our kids are in trouble, or our partner misses us, or our favorite sports team has scored, a notification lets us know instantly. But it means something else, too. We never get a moment's peace.Every ping your phone…

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The Elusive Price—and Prize—of Fame on the Internet

Three of Beowulf's virtues make sense. The fourth seems more like a vice. He was the man most gracious and fair-minded / Kindest to his people and keenest to win fame. Gracious, fair, kind. But also: more eager than anyone to see his name in torchlights. “Keenest to win fame” is one translation of lofgeornost—lof…

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