Star Wars News: What Happens to the Franchise Now?

Begun, the flurry of Star Wars activity has. With less than two months to go until the release of the next—and, currently, only scheduled—movie, and less than two weeks until the debut of The Mandalorian on Disney+, it’s no surprise that there’s a lot going on in a galaxy far, far away right now. But the biggest piece of news on the Star Wars front has nothing to do with what’s about to happen in the short term, and everything to do with what isn’t about to happen long-term.

Say Goodbye to One of the New Trilogies

The source: Official news from Lucasfilm and associated parties

Probability of accuracy: This one is completely true.

The real deal: It was news that few saw coming, although perhaps they should have: David Benioff and D. B. Weiss have parted ways with Lucasfilm and won’t be making their Star Wars trilogy after all; the news broke early last week, with subsequent reporting suggesting that both sides wanted out for different reasons—Benioff and Weiss because they thought that fandom would be too hard with them, and Lucasfilm because of concerns over the pair’s Netflix production deal, which would split their attention from any Star Wars project. Their departure made some nervous for Lucasfilm head Kathleen Kennedy, who has now overseen the hiring and departure of Josh Trank, Chris Lord and Phil Miller, and Colin Trevorrow, as well as Rogue One’s significant reshoots under a different writer and director, in the past five years. Her position, however, appears to be safe, according to sources. As of this writing, it’s unclear what this means for the future of the franchise on the big screen, beyond the obvious: The first movie after next month’s Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, which was going to be the first installment of Benioff and Weiss’ trilogy in 2022, isn’t going to happen after all.

Expect Something Big When The Mandalorian Launches

The source: The New York Times

Probability of accuracy: It’s vague enough to be teasing without necessarily revealing any information per se.

The real deal: With the future of Star Wars on the big screen in turmoil, the pressure is on for small-screen Star Wars to deliver, which might explain why a New York Times story on Disney+ dropped this surprising piece of information a couple of weeks before the show debuted on the streaming service:
The Mandalorian, reportedly, will contain “a dramatic Star Wars-universe spoiler in the first episode.” What kind of spoiler? Who can tell; Disney is purposefully not releasing any screeners before the show’s debut to cut down on leaks, which might suggest that it’s something big. Could there be a substantial The Rise of Skywalker tease in the show, right there in plain sight?

Wedge (and Others) Are, Indeed, Back for the Story’s End

The source: The official Star Wars website

Probability of accuracy: Once again, it’s official and therefore real.

The real deal: It was a closely held secret right up until a book cover accidentally gave it away, so Lucasfilm made it official: Wedge Antilles, the unsung true hero of the Rebellion, is back in the Resistance Reborn novel that acts as a prelude to The Rise of Skywalker. But, as the excerpt posted on revealed, it’s not just Wedge who’s back in the novel: Fans who enjoyed Chuck Wendig’s Star Wars: Aftermath books will be excited to see that Norra Wexley is also making her return with this book, having apparently become romantically involved with Wedge at some point when the two were keeping away from the spotlight. If this means we’re that much closer to seeing Mr. Bones on the big screen, we are very much in favor.

Come Swim on the Ocean Moon of the Death Star

The source: As unlikely as it seems, Disney Parks

Probability of accuracy: It’s accurate, we’re just not sure what it means.

The real deal: While we’re on the subject of The Rise of Skywalker, a piece of information about the movie came out from an unlikely source recently, when an update about Star Tours revealed that the ocean planet as seen in the final trailer for the movie is, officially, Kef Bir, an ocean moon. Presumably, an ocean moon of the gas giant Endor, considering there’s a large chunk of the second Death Star on it, but we suspect we’ll have to wait until December 20 for a final word on that particular detail.

What’s in a Name, Especially If That Name Is Skywalker?

The source: Online speculating

Probability of accuracy: It seems far too easy to be true, so let’s go with “maybe accurate” for now.

The real deal: Those wondering what the title of the final chapter of the Skywalker Saga might mean could find some food for thought in a speculative piece online. The article argued, rather convincingly, that it refers to the fact that Kylo Ren’s assumed real name—Ben Solo—was never actually his name, because Solo: A Star Wars Story made it clear that Han Solo’s real name was, simply, Han. If his dad didn’t have a last name, did that mean Ben took his mother’s last name instead? If so, that would make him … Ben Skywalker. Is it that straightforward? Surely not. And yet, it maybe makes sense? But if that’s the case, then what should we read into that whole The Rise of framing? Is it a clue to him becoming a good guy once again—after all, Anakin Skywalker ditched the family name when he went bad, so could Kylo reclaim his when he redeems himself? Again, this is likely something that will have to wait until December 20 for a final answer.

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