Six-Word Sci-Fi: Imagine a Rosy Future for Facial Recognition


—@henriquegeirinhas via Instagram

Honorable Mentions:

Of course I remember you … Kim! @kanaafa via Instagram

My twin pays all my bills. @keegan1942 via Instagram

Among myriads, her son was found. @ichbinsubatomic via Instagram

Vitality low—personalized prescription dispatched today. @leniway via Instagram

Technological mirrors provide value-neutral feedback. @philosophy_at_work via Instagram

Your face will become your passport. @sayzey via Instagram

’80s makeup has a huge revival. @jamesw1981 via Twitter

Smile registered, thanks for your purchase. @mhicheal_l via Instagram

Each month we publish a six-word story—and it could be written by you. Watch for the next assignment on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, along with #WIREDBACKPAGE.

Disclaimer: All #WIREDBACKPAGE submissions become the property of WIRED. Submissions will not be acknowledged or returned. Submissions and any other materials, including your name or social media handle, may be published, illustrated, edited, or otherwise used in any medium. Submissions must be original and not violate the rights of any other person or entity.

This article appears in the January issue. Subscribe now.

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