For many newbies, the first outdoor gear store they set foot in will probably be an REI. One of WIRED’s favorite retailers, the venerable customer collective has been around since 1938. Because its shareholders are members, it’s able to prioritize environmental stewardship over quarterly profits. In fact, REI donated 70 percent of its profits in 2018 to projects that create more access to public lands, combat climate change, and more.
This year, REI’s annual Labor Day sale starts on August 23 and continues through September 2. In addition to 40 percent off sale items, members can also get 20 percent off full-price REI Outlet items with code LABORDAY19. These are our top picks for the early Labor Day sale, your last big adventure of the summer. Read on for gear that will take you into the fall and beyond.
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A Great Folding Kayak is 20 Percent Off
Oru Kayak
One of the biggest problems with owning watercraft is that storing and transporting them is a hassle, especially for apartment dwellers. We love Oru Kayak’s ingenious folding kayaks, and they’re almost never on sale. This one-person kayak is made from durable, lightweight polypropylene. It also has storage in the hull, a weight capacity of 300 pounds, and a padded seat.
Buy the Oru Kayak Bay ST for $1,279 ($320 off)
Camping and Hiking Deals
BioLite FirePit
BioLite FirePit for $150 ($50 off): In my review, I noted that this Bluetooth-controlled firepit was a great option for apartment dwellers or people who wanted a fire pit and grill in a small space.
MSR PocketRocket Mini Stove 2 for $60 ($20 off): I’ve used one of these as my backpacking stove for years. It’s tiny (the whole kit weighs under 10 ounces), easy to use, and boils water in 3.5 minutes. I also really like that the lid doubles as a strainer.
BioLite Headlamp 330 for $37 ($13 off): This is the best headlamp I’ve ever used. It’s soft and lightweight and doesn’t flop around on my forehead. It’s easy to turn on and off and has multiple modes, plus it’s rechargeable, so you’re not constantly buying new batteries.
Gregory Amber 44 Women’s Pack for $120 ($60 off): I have an older version of this pack, which offers excellent value for the money. It’s a top-loading pack with an internal steel spring suspension frame, with fun extras like attachment points for solar panels and an integrated rain cover. All Osprey packs are also 25 percent off.
REI Co-Op Half Dome 2 Plus Tent for $160 ($69 off): There are a lot of Nemo and Marmot tents on sale, but it’s hard to beat the value of REI Co-op’s in-house brand. Gear reviewer Scott Gilbertson and I both also have older versions of REI’s stand-up 4-person tent, which is also on sale.
Mpowered Luci Inflatable Solar Lantern for $14 ($6 off): These are so useful. You can use them or camping, as ad hoc outdoor lighting for a backyard party, or strung up in your van.
REI Co-Op Kid’s Sleeping Bag for $42 ($18 off): My 2-year-old and 4-year-old use these for both camping and sleepovers. The bag is rated to 25 degrees, and you can cinch down the bottom to adjust the length.
Goal Zero Nomad Plus 7 for $80 ($20 off): A couple of Goal Zero’s great portable power solutions are on sale. This is the bigger version of their latest portable solar panel that I recommended for backpacking.
Katadyn Water Filtration System for $52 ($18 off): Why pump filtered water when you can hang a bag and get all the drinkable water you need?
Deuter Kid Comfort Child Carrier for $217 ($72 off): Gear reviewer Scott Gilbertson notes that this Deuter Child Carrier pack is comfortable for both child and parent. It’s stable on your back, doesn’t sway when stumbling over rocky trails, and stands up on its own when set down. When my children were younger, this was the seat from which they saw the world.
REI Co-Op Trail 40 Pack for $60 ($60 off): Scott also likes this comfortable day pack, which holds everything you need for day hikes, travel, even overnight backpacking trips if you go ultra lightweight. It’s comfortable and has tons of pockets and storage.
Biking and Climbing Deals
Yuba Mundo Lux
Yuba Bikes
Yuba Mundo Lux for $1,600 ($400 off): There are a lot of bikes on sale (and also a lot of Pearl Izumi gear). Senior editor Michael Calore and I both love Yuba’s cargo bikes, and this one has a light, stiff chromoly frame to handle all your hauling needs. REI also offers free shipping, assembly, and tune-ups for bikes in-store.
Salsa Cutthroat Carbon 3 for $2,879 ($320 off): This looks like the plushest long-distance gravel ride ever, with Salsa’s signature speedy-mountain-bike geometry, comfortable drop handlebars, a motion-damping front fork, and so much more.
Cannondale Fat CAAD 1 Bike for $2,700 ($660 off): Cannondale uses light, fast racing geometry and materials to make a fat bike that doesn’t feel heavy or unwieldy.
Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi Child Bike Seat for $184 ($46 off): I’ve used this light, secure, easy-to-clean seat on cargo bikes. Make sure you have a cargo bike, though. The leg protectors will clip your heels on a regular rack. Just put it on the Yuba and you’ll be fine.
Thule Coaster XT Bike Trailer for $344 ($85 off): Bike trailers are one of the most requested items at my local kids’ shops. Thule’s ezHitch system is much easier to use than Burley’s pin system, and this two-kid stroller easily folds for transportation and storage. Burley has a single-kid trailer on sale as well.
Abus uGrip Bordo 5700 Folding Lock for $60 ($20 off): I’ve tried a few of these locks with cargo bikes, and I much prefer them to bulky U-locks. They’re more flexible and can be screwed into your bottle cage mounts.
La Sportiva Men’s Climbing Shoes for $74 ($25 off): All La Sportiva gear is 25 percent off. I have the women’s versions of these shoes. They’re washable, and the velcro system makes it easy to get them on and off quickly and fine-tune the fit—perfect for a beginning or gym climber.
Accessories and Apparel
Arc’teryx Wool Ball Cap
Arc’teryx Wool Ball Cap for $26 ($9 off): I own this hat. Under a hood, it keeps my head warm and the rain off my face throughout wet Pacific Northwest winters.
REI Co-Op Rainier Women’s Rain Jacket for $60 ($30 off): This was my pick for the best affordable rain jacket.
REI Co-Op Midweight Merino Base Layer for $56 ($24 off): In my base layers roundup, I said that REI’s synthetic crew top was an affordable option for those who couldn’t afford merino wool. But at this price, merino wool becomes accessible.
Arc’teryx Gamma MX Men’s Hoodie for $267 ($82 off): REI is currently offering 25 percent off all Arc’teryx gear. I love the brand’s jackets in particular; they last for years and are made for climbers, so they never pinch, pull, or restrict my arms and shoulders. This light softshell has a fleece insulation lining and a durable water-repellent (DWR) finish.
Brooks Hot Shot Sports Bra for $27 ($11 off): Brooks makes my favorite running sports bras, but they are best for people who need limited support.
Oiselle Lux Running T-Shirt for $40 ($14 off): I have never actually tried anything from women’s running wear company Oiselle, but I have friends that swear by their shirts and shorts.
Darn Tough Hiker Boot Full-Cushion Socks for $19 ($7 off): Senior correspondent Peter Rubin may disagree with me, but Darn Toughs are the only hiking socks I own where I haven’t immediately worn a hole in the heel.
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