2K Games Probed YouTuber Over Alleged ‘Borderlands 3’ Leaks

Pssst, do you like videogames? That’s great! Here at Replay, we also like videogames and want to give you all the latest news about them. This week that news includes private investigators, a pool full of gold coins, and maybe even a little bit of hope. Let’s get started.

2K Games Investigated YouTuber SupMatto Over Alleged Borderlands 3 Leaks

This past April, YouTuber SupMatto shared some unrevealed information on Borderlands 3—information that he alleges, in a recent video, he got from some clever internet sleuthing and some clumsily revealed information related to Twitch, info that was shared widely on the internet before he made a video about it. Publishers Take-Two Interactive and 2K Games dispute this; as PC Gamer reports, 2K thinks that SupMatto broke laws in his pursuit of Borderlands 3 info, and they’re very serious about it.

How serious? Private investigator serious, apparently: SupMatto said, and 2K confirmed, that the company has gone so far as to investigate the YouTuber. “Take-Two and 2K take the security and confidentiality of trade secrets very seriously,” a representative for 2K told The Verge. “The action we’ve taken is the result of a 10-month investigation and a history of this creator profiting from breaking our policies, leaking confidential information about our product, and infringing our copyrights.” Apparently, his Discord and Twitch are both under investigation by their respective platforms, too, though it’s unclear if it’s related. What is clear, however, is that videogame secrets? Serious business.

Riot Employees Say Things Might Be Getting Better, Maybe?

Remember Riot Games, the company with issues so bad they were featured in a recent episode of Patriot Act? Well, Cecilia D’Anastasio, the reporter who first broke the story of Riot’s problems with sexism and worker’s rights, has published a one-year update to that story, which details that in the interim (and amidst the firestorm that followed Kotaku’s reporting) things might have actually gotten somewhat better.

The whole piece is worth reading, as it details how many employees believe that Riot has worked on implementing real cultural change, although there are many disagreements about what that cultural change should look like. And there are also, as D’Anastasio reports, some who think that Riot has gone too far and risks alienating its core fan base of young white men. Won’t somebody think of the young white men?

Duck Tales: Remastered Is Gone, If You Wanted to Buy That. Sorry

Next up: More games disappearing from online storefronts for mysterious reasons. The latest victim is Ducktales: Remastered, the charming remake of the old NES game starring Scrooge McDuck and his surprisingly bouncy cane. As Rock Paper Shotgun reports, there’s no clear reason why this is happening, but it’s probably licensing related. It usually is. This is just another in a long line of reminders: If you can get your games on physical media, do it.

Recommendation of the Week: Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt, by CD Projekt Red, on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch

What a game. One of the best role-playing games ever made, with a brilliant main character, excellent scripting, and a lush, massive world, Witcher 3 is a success on nearly every front. Spend 100 hours digging into every possible nook and cranny of this wonderful place, and then do it all again in a couple of great expansions. It’s always worth revisiting, this one.

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