Welcome to Year 50 of the Information Age

“Lo.” That was the first message to cross the internet, in 1969, sent from a router at UCLA to one at Menlo Park. And behold! Here we are. Year 50 of the information age, when nearly every human (and an increasing number of otherwise inanimate objects) live, willingly or not, simultaneously, in physical space—IRL—and a…

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Huawei’s Gear Might Have to Go, FCC Tells US Telecom Firms

The US government is taking more steps to block Chinese telecommunications companies Huawei and ZTE from American networks.The Federal Communications Commission proposed two measures this week to stop US carriers from using technology from the two companies. The first would ban carriers from using money from the Universal Service Fund, an FCC-managed program that offers…

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Hellvetica Puts a Spooky Twist on the World’s Most Popular Font

Zack Roif was having a perfectly normal day at work last Friday when he opened an email invitation to the office Halloween party. The theme: Hellvetica, the world’s most ubiquitous font turned evil. Roif, who is an associate creative director at RGA, an ad agency in New York, appreciated the humor. Then he wondered if he could turn…

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Shifting Winds and the Changing Shape of California Fires

Californians fight flames on multiple fronts during wildfire season, but the real enemy is the wind. In the southern part of the state they’re called Santa Anas; in the north, Diablos. Sometimes gusting as hard as a hurricane’s gale, the winds are what turn California’s desiccated autumns into pyrocenic months of smoky skies, electrical blackouts,…

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Leaving ‘Star Wars’ Is the Smartest Thing the ‘Game of Thrones’ Showrunneers Ever Did

The headline shouted that it was a “shocker.” Last night, The Hollywood Reporter posted a story revealing that David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, the creators behind the Game of Thrones television adaptation, were ending their creative partnership with Lucasfilm—effective immediately. A year and half ago, the studio announced it had asked the pair to create…

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How to Keep Your Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant Voice Recordings Private

After months of revelations and apologies, all the major smart assistant makers have revamped how they handle human review of audio snippets. Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, Apple Siri, and Microsoft Cortana were all using third-party contractors to transcribe and vet recorded snippets, adding some human brain power to underlying machine-learning algorithms. But the backlash over…

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The Glorious Victories of Trans Athletes Are Shaking Up Sports

Transgender athletes are having a moment. At all levels of sport, they’re stepping onto the podium and into the headlines. New Zealand weightlifter Laurel Hubbard won two gold medals at the Pacific Games, and college senior CeCé Telfer became the NCAA Division II national champion in the 400-meter run. Another senior, June Eastwood, has been…

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Google’s .New Shortcuts Are Now for Everyone

A year ago, Google introduced one of those time-saving tricks that makes the cold, relentless march of time just a little bit more bearable: You could suddenly create a new Google doc simply by typing doc.new into your URL bar. Ditto spreadsheets, calendar events, and other Google-specific tasks. Now Google’s making that small magic available…

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